Once upon a time, in a village lived a widow. She lived with two children. Their name were Upik and Buyung. Their children were very spoilt.
One day their mother wanted to visit a friend's party, but their children cried to go there too. Finally their mother allows them to go to the party. Before going there mother said to her children not to be naughty and go anywhere.
But,Buyung and Upik went to the jungle to play together without permission to their mother. They play and play until they arrived at a river. Because they were thirsty and tired so they jumped into the river and swam .The river was a sacred river, so Upik and Buyung become a fish.
One night their mother dreamed met with her husband. Her husband said to her "Go to the river in the jungle, your children are over there". The mother went to the river in the jungle to find her children in the morning. In the river there were no anybody. She shouted loudly to call their children
" Upiii..k Buyung..where are you, here are your mother, I am longing to you, I wait you, I love you all" said the mother sadly.
"Mom ..mom.! I am here" the voice from the river. Mother scared. She looked two fishes"
"we are your children mom " said the fish.
"My children ...."
"Yes mom ..because we disobeyed your message, we played and swam in the river, now we became fish" said the fish while crying.
The mother fell sad and sad. She couldn't say anything. She opened her parcel and gave to the fish (her children).
She always pray for her children, and God receipt her wishes. The water of the river always pure, so the people called the pure river
Cerita di atas adalah salah satu teks narasi hasil kerja siswa atas nama Sri Yuliani pada saat penulis mengajar di SMAN 1 Marioriwawo Kabupaten Soppeng. Hal yang menarik juga untuk dikembangkan adalah kemampuan peserta didik untuk mengekplorasi tingkat pengetahuannya dengan cara meminta peserta didik untuk mengemukakan moral value (nilai-nilai moral) yang terkandung dalam cerita tersebut. Sehingga diharapakan dengan adanya pesan-pesan moral itu, mereka dapat menghayati dan mengamalkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Sebagaimana pesan moral yang dikemukakan oleh siswa Sri Yuliani adalah bahwa kita tidak seharusnya membantah perintah orang tua (we have to obey our parents suggestions/rule). Oang tua senantiasa menyayangi anak-anaknya dalam kondisi apapun (The parents always love their children in any condition)
Agar cerita itu lebih menarik maka guru dapat menganjurkan cerita yang dibuat siswa tesebut diberi hiasan-hiasan lalu ditempel di tempat khusus seperti mading (majalah dinding) atau di pajang diruang kelas. Tentu hal ini membutuhkan manajemen penataan dan kekompakan kelompok belajar. Jika ini berhasil dilakukan, maka untuk pembelajaran teks-teks selanjutnya akan lebih mudah diterapkan kepada siswa.
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